I know I haven’t been updating this blog because I’m too lazy. Years 2 and 3 have been an exciting flurry of business (both work and busy-ness). I constantly spew bite-sized thoughts that stream into my mind on Instagram Stories anyway, and I am remarkably easily bored and excitable, so longer, more considered pieces on Blogger aren’t sustainable. I digress. Many exciting life updates! I’m now officially done with my undergraduate PPE programme at King’s College London. I loved every bit of it: the depth, rigour and intellectual intensity of the course, the international student community, the bustling city of London and all the travel opportunities around Europe. Words can’t do justice to the profundity of the experience. In typical Quincean fashion, I milked everything I could out of the three years: went to Cumberland Lodge (for free) as a photographer with the Philosophy Department in Years 1 and 3, clinched the Principal’s Global Leadership Award (PGLA) in my second year (spending...
Tomorrow’s my Comparative Political Systems (CPS) exam. Well, it’s technically today since it’s 2:30 am now. It’s a 24-hour take-home exam, so I am not particularly worried about it. I don’t regularly maintain this blog; I write whenever I get into a literary mood, and that happens to be now. It’s a season of change: the start of 2022, a new semester, the four-month-old Londoner that I am realising that almost half the academic year is gone. Semester 1 flew by with moderate success, although I haven’t definitively wrapped it up yet (looking at you, exams). Using just my KI knowledge, extra reading during NS and six years’ worth of research skills I picked up in Hwa Chong, I clinched an 80/100 for my Political and Economic Philosophy (PEP) summative essay on Isaiah Berlin: Instructor’s Feedback: The author has produced an outstanding piece of work. It is philosophically rigorous, well-argued, and innovative. It reaches well beyond the set texts into the academic debate, and buttres...